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If in doubt, bring a feather headpiece

Skribentens bild: Sarah Rimmö ToureSarah Rimmö Toure

A couple of weeks ago I was approached by a pregnant woman who had decided, just at the end of her pregnancy, that she wanted a bump photo shoot. She just had to finish making a dress first. As you do. Well, it turned out Wendy is a rather amazing costume designer so that explained the dress making.

We met on Hilly Fields early October, one of the last summer-like days of the autumn. Wendy was due just days later but that didn't stop her posing for hours, walking up and down Hilly Fields, climbing stones and lying in the grass. She was amazing to work with and to top it all off she brought with her not just the beautiful dress she had made, but also a fantastic feather headpiece. Because why not?

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