I was visiting family in Sweden over Christmas just gone and I had so many ideas for photos to take - imagining a white, snowy winter. Instead, it was mainly damp and grey and very overcast and too dark to even think of taking photos without using a light set-up. But, one day just before Christmas the sky was blue and for the few hours the sun was up the light was amazing. My brother asked me to take some family photos for him and I was more than happy to bring out the camera and go outside.
My brother and his family are keen sailers so it felt obvious to take the photos by the lake.

Now, most of my outdoor sessions are booked for spring, summer and autumn. I understand why - nature is pretty, the weather is good and allows for less clothing. However, I'd like to argue that winter works just as well. Nature might not be as pretty and colourful in January as say May or October, but it's still photogenic and interesting and if the weather is clear the light is really gorgeous. And for a brief moment you can take off your coat - just long enough for me to take a photo or two, then it's back on again until the next shot!
My brother's kids are used to me taking their photos so the session was really easy going and fun, and though it was actually freezing cold the kids whipped their coats and hats off for a few photos. And they managed not to fall into the lake (I was a little worried!).

To book a winter session In London just email me! I will be in Sweden again in a few months so if you live in Uppsala or nearby you can also get in touch for sessions.